Indas Mahavidyalaya Merit List – Sensational Updates

Indas Mahavidyalaya Merit List: Likely, all the students who are waiting to check the Indas Mahavidyalaya Merit List, they may be worried about checking this important merit list. It is very crucial for all students. To think about it, we have come here to help you. This informative article will help to give you the merit list checking methods, required documents, important date, links, and their department details, etc. Now to get all these details, you must have to get below and read the entire details step by step.

Indas Mahavidyalaya Merit List

Indas Mahavidyalaya Merit List

  1. College Name: Indas Mahavidyalaya
  2. Recognized By: UGC
  3. Type of College: Undergraduate
  4. Category: Public
  5. Founded: 2006
  6. Courses: Arts, Science
  7. Official Website:
  8. Affiliated by: Bankura University
  9. Location: Indas, St. – West Bengal, India, Pin number – 722206

Subject Details In Indas Mahavidyalaya


  • The NSS Unit
  • English
  • Philosophy
  • Bengali
  • History
  • Sanskrit
  • Physical Education


  • Zoology
  • Computer Science
  • Mathematics
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Botany
  • Environmental Science
Indas Mahavidyalaya Merit List date

Indas Mahavidyalaya Merit List Reveal Date

1st Merit List Checking DateUPDATE SOON
2nd Merit List Checking Date UPDATE SOON
3rd Merit List Checking Date UPDATE SOON

What is Indas Mahavidyalaya Merit List Checking Process

I will guide you to check the Indas Mahavidyalaya merit list easily. You have to follow the below steps one by one properly.

  1. At first stage, you have to go to the Indas Mahavidyalaya’s official website.
  2. In the front page, you will see a admission option or merit list option.
  3. Click on it & search your name in the list.
  4. You should download the pdf file & print it out for offline uses.
Indas Mahavidyalaya Merit List check

Required Documents to check the Indas Mahavidyalaya Merit List

The students of the Indas Mahavidyalaya should carry the below mentioned documents with them to check their merit list comfortably.

  1. Date of Birth
  2. Application Number
  3. Stream Details
  4. Registration Number

Significant Details for Indas Mahavidyalaya

Indus Mahavidyalay was established in 2006 with an object to invent & reinvent thoughtful minds. Keeping in mind the pressing need of the students from feeder school around, the arduous people of the local area tried to found a center of higher education, and thus the college came into being. It offers undergraduate general & honors courses in Arts & science streams, namely Bengali, English, Sanskrit, chemistry, mathematics, history, etc. The college is recognized by the UGC under the 2(f) section & the college having affiliation with Bankura University. It is situated in Indus, Bankura district, West Bengal.

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Contact Details of Indas Mahavidyalaya

Indas Mahavidyalaya Merit List link

Indas Mahavidyalaya Merit List Checking Link

Merit list Checking LinkGet Details

FAQs About Indas Mahavidyalaya Merit List

1) How to check Indas Mahavidyalaya Merit?

—> I will guide you to check the Indas Mahavidyalaya merit list easily. You have to follow the below steps one by one properly.

  1. At first stage, you have to go to the Indas Mahavidyalaya’s official website.
  2. In the front page, you will see a admission option or merit list option.
  3. Click on it & search your name in the list.
  4. You should download the pdf file & print it out for offline uses.

2) What is the official address of the Indas Mahavidyalaya?

—> The official website of the Indas Mahavidyalaya is