Cooch Behar College Merit List – Your Helpful Updates is here

Cooch Behar College Merit List: Dear aspirants students, if you want to check the Cooch Behar College Merit List correctly, then you must read this article because the entire meticulously details we have been accumulated here only for you. You might be flabbergasted when you discern all authentic details like merit list checking method step by step, required documents, course details, merit list checking dates, links, and other significant information. This article only can come out of you from these circumstances. Now Go below hastily and follow us from begging to the end.

Cooch Behar College Merit List

Cooch Behar College Merit List

  1. College Name: Cooch Behar College
  2. Recognized By: UGC
  3. Type of College: Undergraduate
  4. Category: Public
  5. Founded: 1970
  6. Courses: Arts and Science
  7. Official Website:
  8. Affiliated by: Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University
  9. Location: Cooch Behar, St. – West Bengal, India, Pin number – 736101

What is the Cooch Behar College Course Details

Arts and Science

  • Geography
  • Chemistry
  • Economics
  • History
  • English
  • Bengali
  • Political Science
  • Philosophy
  • Sanskrit
  • Computer Science
  • Women Studies
  • Accountancy
  • Physics
  • Eco-Tourism and Management
  • Mathematics
  • Computer Applications
Cooch Behar College Merit List dates

Cooch Behar College Merit List Publish Date

1st Merit List Checking DateUPDATE SOON
2nd Merit List Checking Date UPDATE SOON
3rd Merit List Checking Date UPDATE SOON

What is Cooch Behar College Merit List Checking Process

I will guide you to check the About Cooch Behar College merit list easily. You have to follow the below steps one by one properly.

  1. At first, you have to visit the official website of Cooch Behar College.
  2. In the front portal, you will see a admission portal or merit list option.
  3. Click on it.
  4. Your name in the list.
  5. You can download the pdf file of the list.
  6. Print it out for further uses.
Cooch Behar College Merit List check

Required Documents to check the Cooch Behar College Merit List

The students of the Cooch Behar College should carry the below mentioned documents with them to check their merit list comfortably.

  1. Application Number
  2. Registration Number
  3. Date of Birth
  4. Stream Details

Some Important Deatils about Cooch Behar College

Cooch Behar College was set up in 1970, approximately 51 years ago; this college is an undergraduate college located at Cooch Behar, West Bengal, India. Cooch Behar College has B.A and B.Com Courses and you can take honors as well as general subjects; even you can get more comprehensively academic facilities for doing studies. This college is a reputed college because, in 2016, this college acquired a B++ grade by NAAC; hence this college acknowledges by UGC and Affiliated with Cooch BeharPanchanan Barma University. Cooch Behar College is an excellent college to complete your graduation degree. All details are given on this page; check carefully.

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Contact Details of Cooch Behar College

Cooch Behar College Merit List links

Cooch Behar College Merit List Checking Link

Merit list Checking LinkGet Details

Important FAQs About Cooch Behar College Merit List

1) What should I carry to check the Cooch Behar College merit list?

—> The students of the Cooch Behar College should carry the below mentioned documents with them to check their merit list comfortably.

  1. Application Number
  2. Registration Number
  3. Date of Birth
  4. Stream Details

2) Can I check the merit list offline?

—> The merit list will publish only on the official website of the college. So, you have to check this out through online only.